I've been processing this smaller image set recently. The set concept was one I've been wanting to try for a while. A low key lighting set up with white fabric on a black background. I then soaked the fabric in warm water so it would cling to the model's body and also be translucent. Stella was great with this concept, and while the warm water lasted all of five minutes, she was a trooper while we shot the set.

I started processing in color first, but they just did not look right to me. I rarely create black and white images because I love vivid colors. There's also the fact that I have never been happy with black and white work I created before.

I bit the bullet, and started processing in black and white. First few felt uninspiring, but then after a few changes it worked. This is the first set of black and white images that I actually like after 15+ years of shooting. It's the small things on life you have to celebrate.