When I started this site, I promised myself that after 100 posts I'd do a personal gut check, and take stock of things to be updated and/or improved.

Site Progress To Date

I love metrics as much as I do art, and thought it'd be interesting to share.

Membership has been growing at a great pace, with new members daily and no turnover (churn).

I'm sure there's a lot sitting in spam folders, but content engagement is really high.
The visitor distribution is pretty global, which I think is great. 

I want to personally thank all of you for subscribing.

5 Guiding Principles for Site Updates

  1. It is about visual art first
  2. Keep the art and membership free
  3. Content and value for paid membership
  4. Improve user experience, minimize disruption
  5. Easy to maintain and update
I should probably put together a brand guide based on these

Principle 1: It is about visual art first

Female, male, fine art, nude, erotic, photo sets, video, animation or text. It is all about visual art.  I don't want to use"high-quality" because I like to share the misses too.  What I will use instead is "intentionally art".

Principle 2: Keep the membership free

There will always be free members able to access most content on the site.

Principle 3: Content and value for paid membership

Thank you to all of you that have paid memberships. I never expected to make much off the site, but I'm already working on the premium content mentioned below.

Principle 4: Improve user experience, minimize disruption

Updates should enhance or improve.  I've been looking at site visuals, and as more and more images/videos get published, it should be easy to navigate.

Principle 5: Easy to maintain and update

This one is for me. It's important to ensure I can maintain the site while it continues to grow.

Specific Updates Coming Soon!

No particular order. The following updates are all being worked on now, but there are so many others coming.

  • Rotating home/landing page (1st landing page in place now. Will update Sundays)
  • Premier/paid membership content (in progress now)
  • Updates to site styling/typography (researching and testing)
  • Add micro-interaction animations across site (in progress now)
  • A consistent schedule to publish content/image sets (researching)

AI-Generated Art

I've been reading a lot about all the AI art being created and in circulation so I decided to set it up and give it a try myself.  I set up Stable Diffusion and experimented with it locally at home.

Stable Diffusion - a Hugging Face Space by stabilityai
Discover amazing ML apps made by the community

It really is fascinating, and while I don't believe it's any threat to photography/videography anytime soon, it does create some really great fantasy illustrations.  

It also creates some horrifically hilarious images as you'll see below. If you're not familiar with it, you feed the AI "prompts" and a reference or seed image, then it creates it. The more descriptive your prompts, the better the images.

First try

I just winged it with the prompts, and these ghastly images were spit out. I was laughing so  hard. I believe my prompt was something like:

"beautiful woman on bed, sensual, pouty, playful, boudoir, lingerie"

Next attempt

I thought ok, maybe it needs a good reference to go off. Let's add Marylin Monroe into the prompts.  Not much better....

Let's try a real image

I thought maybe a real image would be better to use, so I feed this shot with Alina to the AI

and got this

Started looking into prompts, and found that the more verbose the better, and always good to include an artist or style.  Similar prompt, but more verbosity and artist and style references, but the AI just seems to love created multiple heads

Got better prompts and references, and played with tweaking the prompts subtly each iteration to fine tune, but still loves those 2 heads.

These started to really come out well as I got a better feel for it

Now I was curious and having fun. Let's see what it can do with Brie Larson

Not too bad. How about Marisa Tomei?

Must not know who she is. An off the wall request. Christina Hendricks with Jerry and George Costanza in Jerry's apartment, then  sparring with hotdogs

Definitely has some great potential, and people are really creating some amazing images like this site: https://lexica.art/

Just found this too amusing not to publish.